Terms and Conditions (By placing an order on this site you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions.) Your statutory rightsNothing contained within these terms and conditions affects your statutory rights as a customer. The websiteWe reserve the right to change details and prices on any part of this site, including these terms and conditions, at any time and without prior notice. We will, however, honour any order placed before such changes were made. Delivery areaWe will deliver to all parts of the Great Britain, Europe and the rest of the world. Please note we are not able to guarantee delivery times. PaymentWe will debit your credit/debit card when your order is taken. Should your order include an item that is out of stock on the dispatch date, we will either offer you an alternative product or refund your money. We will always attempt to call you as well as e-mail.We will accept cheques and postal orders for orders generated within the United Kingdom.cheques should be made payable to Mr B J Wark, and posted to Warkswings.com ,6 Stokes Road, Corsham, Wiltshire, SN13 9AA. DeliveryOrders will be dispatched within one working day, delivery should take 3 to 5 days within the United Kingdom and 10 days for international orders. Cancellation of ordersYou may cancel your order at any time up to the closing time for acceptance of orders. We will refund your payment in full. Personal detailsWe will not pass on any details about you to any person not directly employed by us, unless required to do so by law. Customer supportYou may call our customer helpline on 01249-701480 / mobile 07599234851. If the line is not attended, please leave a message. the phones are only manned between 9am-4pm mon- fri and 9-1pm sat. We aim to respond to all calls within 24 hours. Alternatively, you may email us at warkswings@btinternet.com or warkswings@gmail.com. By placing an order on this site you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions. |